Lesen Sie die spez. Bedingungen für .swiss Domains
Folgende Domains können direkt bei NetZone registriert werden (und es werden täglich mehr)
TLD | Land | Preis Registrierung inkl. 1.Jahr | Folgejahre Preis/Jahr |
Alle Preise in USD exkl. MwSt. | |||
Beliebte Domains | |||
.at | Austria | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.ch | Schweiz | 14.16 | 14.16 |
.com | Commercial | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.de | Deutschland | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.li | Liechtenstein | 14.16 | 14.16 |
.swiss | Schweiz | 130.11 | 130.11 |
Generische Domains | |||
.biz | Business | 27.34 | 27.34 |
.com | Commercial | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.info | Information | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.net | Network | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.org | Organisation | 19.57 | 19.57 |
.abogado | Anwalt | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.ac.nz | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.academy | Akademien / Schulen | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.accountant | Buchhaltung/Treuhand | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.accountants | Buchhaltung/Treuhand | 136.67 | 136.67 |
.actor | Schauspieler | 60.14 | 60.14 |
.adult | Für Erwachsene | 125.74 | 125.74 |
.aero | Aero / Luftfahrt | 86.38 | 86.38 |
.africa | Afrika | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.agency | Agenturen | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.amsterdam | Amsterdam | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.apartments | Wohnungen | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.app | Apps / Aoolikationen | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.archi | Architekten | 125.74 | 125.74 |
.art | Kunst | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.asia | Asien | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.associates | Teilhaber | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.attorney | Rechtsanwalt | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.auction | Auktion / Versteigerung | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.audio | Audio-Branche | 169.49 | 169.49 |
.autos | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.baby | Kind / Baby | 92.94 | 92.94 |
.band | Band / Musikgruppe / Musik | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.bar | Bars / Kneipen | 92.94 | 92.94 |
.barcelona | Barcelona | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.bargains | Angebote | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.basketball | 82.01 | 82.01 | |
.bayern | Bayern | 60.14 | 60.14 |
.beauty | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.beer | Bier | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.berlin | Berlin | 92.94 | 92.94 |
.best | Bestleistung | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.bet | Wetten | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.bible | Bible / Religion | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.bid | Auktionen | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.bike | Bike / Fahrrad / Velo | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.bingo | Bingo / Glücksspiel | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.bio | Bio | 97.31 | 97.31 |
.black | Schwarz / Black | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.blackfriday | Aktionen / Promotion | 169.49 | 169.49 |
.blog | Blog | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.blue | Blue / Blau | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.boats | Schiffe / Boote | 27.22 | 27.22 |
.boo | 21.76 | 21.76 | |
.boston | Boston | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.bot | 97.31 | 97.31 | |
.boutique | Boutiquen | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.broker | Makler | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.brussels | Brüssel | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.build | Baubranche | 92.94 | 92.94 |
.builders | Bauunternehmen | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.business | Firmen / Business | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.buzz | Mundpropaganda | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.cab | Taxis | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.cafe | Kaffee / Cafe | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.cam | Cam / Webcam / Kamera | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.camera | Kamera / Foto / Video | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.camp | Camps | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.capetown | Capetown | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.capital | Kapital | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.cards | Karten | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.care | Betreuung Pflege | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.career | Beruf / Karriere | 136.67 | 136.67 |
.careers | Beruf / Karriere | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.casa | Haus / Immobilien / Tourismus | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.cash | Bargeld Kredite | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.casino | Kasino / Geldspiel | 173.86 | 173.86 |
.cat | Katze / Katalonien | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.catering | Catering | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.center | Center / Zentrum | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.ceo | CEO / Leader | 147.61 | 147.61 |
.channel | 20.66 | 20.66 | |
.charity | gemeinnützige Projekte | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.chat | Chatrooms / Foren | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.cheap | Guenstige Angebote | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.christmas | Weihnachten | 53.58 | 53.58 |
.church | Kirche Glaubensgemeinschaft | 60.14 | 60.14 |
.city | Stadt | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.claims | Forderungen | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.cleaning | Reinigung | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.click | Klick | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.clinic | Kliniken | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.clothing | Clothing / Bekleidung | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.cloud | Cloud / | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.club | Club / Verein | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.coach | Coaches / Trainer | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.codes | Codes | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.coffee | Kaffee | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.college | College / Schule | 97.31 | 97.31 |
.cologne | Köln | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.community | Community | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.company | Firma / Unternehmen | 19.57 | 19.57 |
.compare | 49.21 | 49.21 | |
.computer | Computer / EDV | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.condos | Eigentumswohnungen | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.construction | Baugewerbe | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.consulting | Consulting | 60.14 | 60.14 |
.contact | 19.57 | 19.57 | |
.contractors | Subunternehmer / Freelancer | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.cooking | Kochen Rezepte | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.cool | Cool / Trending / kalt | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.country | Country Tourismus | 4339.83 | 4339.83 |
.coupons | Coupons / Gutscheine / Rabatt | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.courses | Kurse / Bildung | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.credit | Kredite Finanzprodukt | 136.67 | 136.67 |
.creditcard | Kreditkarte | 213.22 | 213.22 |
.cricket | Kricket | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.cruises | Kreuzfahrten | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.cymru | 20.66 | 20.66 | |
.cyou | 20.66 | 20.66 | |
.dance | Tanzen | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.date | Dating | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.dating | Dating | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.day | 21.76 | 21.76 | |
.deals | Deals Sonderangebote | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.degree | Bildung / Beruf / Universität | 60.14 | 60.14 |
.delivery | Lieferdienst | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.democrat | Demokraten | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.dental | Zahnmedizin, Zahnarzt | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.dentist | Zahnmedizin, Zahnarzt | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.design | Design / Kunst / Grafik | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.dev | Entwicklung / Technik | 27.34 | 27.34 |
.diamonds | Diamanten / Luxusgueter | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.diet | Ernährung / Diät | 169.49 | 169.49 |
.digital | Digital Digitalzeitalter | 53.58 | 53.58 |
.direct | Direct Sofort | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.directory | Verzeichnisse | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.discount | Discounter | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.doctor | Arzt / Doktor / Medizin | 147.61 | 147.61 |
.dog | Hunde | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.domains | Domains / Webadressen | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.download | Download | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.durban | Stadt Durban | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.earth | Erde / Umwelt / Forschung / Wissenschaft | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.eco | Umwelt / Ãkologie / Klimaschutz | 92.94 | 92.94 |
.edu.mx | 49.21 | 49.21 | |
.education | Bildung | 42.65 | 42.65 |
38.27 | 38.27 | ||
.energy | Energie | 136.67 | 136.67 |
.engineer | Ingenieure / Fachleute | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.engineering | Ingenieure / Fachleute | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.enterprises | Unternehmungen | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.equipment | Ausruestung | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.estate | Vermoegen | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.events | Event | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.exchange | Tausch Handel | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.expert | Experten | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.exposed | exponiert | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.express | Expressdienste | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.fail | Pleiten Pech und Pannen | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.faith | Glaube / Religion | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.family | Familie | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.fan | Fankultur / Leidenschaft | 60.14 | 60.14 |
.fans | Fankultur / Leidenschaft | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.farm | Bauernhoefe, Farm | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.fashion | Mode / Kleidung | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.film | Film / Movie | 103.87 | 103.87 |
.finance | Finanzdienstleistungen | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.financial | Finanzielles | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.fish | Fisch | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.fishing | Fischer Angler | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.fit | Fitness / Wellness / Sport | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.fitness | Fitness / Wellness / Sport | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.flights | Fluege | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.florist | Floristen | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.flowers | Blumen | 169.49 | 169.49 |
.football | Fussball | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.forex | Forex | 53.58 | 53.58 |
.forsale | Verkaufsangebote | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.foundation | Stiftungen | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.fun | Spass | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.fund | Fonds Anlagen | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.furniture | Moebel | 136.67 | 136.67 |
.futbol | Fussball | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.fyi | for your information | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.gallery | Galerien | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.games | Game / Spiele | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.garden | Garten / Natur | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.gay | 53.58 | 53.58 | |
.gb.net | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.geek.nz | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.gen.nz | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.gift | Gift / Geschenk | 27.34 | 27.34 |
.gifts | Geschenk | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.gives | wohltätige Zwecke | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.giving | 49.21 | 49.21 | |
.glass | Glas | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.global | global weltweit | 103.87 | 103.87 |
.gmbh | GmbH / Firmen | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.gold | Goldh / Geld / Juweliere | 136.67 | 136.67 |
.golf | Golfsport | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.graphics | Grafiken | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.gratis | gratis free kostenlos | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.green | Grün, Ãkologie / Nachhaltigkeit | 92.94 | 92.94 |
.gripe | Beschwerden | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.group | Gruppen | 27.22 | 27.22 |
.guide | Anleitung Führer Manual | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.guitars | Gitarren | 169.49 | 169.49 |
.guru | Guru / Wissen / Weisheit | 53.58 | 53.58 |
.hair | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.hamburg | Hamburg | 92.94 | 92.94 |
.haus | Haus | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.health | Gesundheit | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.healthcare | Gesundheit / Vorsorge | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.help | Hilfe | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.hiphop | Hiphop | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.hiv | HIV | 326.94 | 326.94 |
.hockey | Hockey | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.holdings | Holdings / Unternehmensgruppen | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.holiday | Urlaub / Ferien | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.homes | Architektur / Immobilien / Inneneinrichtung | 27.22 | 27.22 |
.horse | Pferd Reiter Pferdefreunde | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.hospital | Spital / Gesundheit | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.host | Host Hosting Computer IT | 114.81 | 114.81 |
.hosting | Host Hosting Computer IT | 497.52 | 497.52 |
.house | Haus und Hof, Immobilien | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.how | How | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.hu.net | 49.21 | 49.21 | |
.icu | I see you | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.immo | Immobilien | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.immobilien | Immobilien | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.industries | Industrie | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.ink | Tinte | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.institute | Institute | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.insure | Versicherung | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.international | internationale Organisationen | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.investments | Investitionen | 136.67 | 136.67 |
.irish | Irland | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.ist | Istanbul | 27.22 | 27.22 |
.istanbul | Istanbul | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.jetzt | aktuelle Inhalte | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.jewelry | Schmuck / Juweliere | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.jobs | Jobs / Beruf | 151.98 | 151.98 |
.joburg | Johannesburg | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.juegos | Online-Games | 497.52 | 497.52 |
.kaufen | Käufer , Verkäufer | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.kids | 38.27 | 38.27 | |
.kim | Kim | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.kitchen | Küchenbranche | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.kiwi | Kiwi, Neuseeland | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.koeln | Köln | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.kyoto | Kyoto | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.land | Landleben | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.lat | Lateinamerika | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.law | Anwalt / Gesetz | 136.67 | 136.67 |
.lawyer | Anwalt | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.lease | Leasing | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.legal | juristische Themen | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.lgbt | LGBT Community | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.life | Life Leben Zeitgeist Lifestyle | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.lighting | Beleuchtung | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.limited | Unternehmen | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.limo | Limousinen | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.link | Links | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.live | Live / Event | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.llc | Limited Liability Company | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.loan | Kredit / Darlehen | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.loans | Kredit / Darlehen | 136.67 | 136.67 |
.lol | LOL | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.london | London | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.love | Liebe / Leidenschaft | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.ltd | Limited / Kapitalgesellschaft | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.ltda | Sociedade Limitada | 53.58 | 53.58 |
.luxe | Website / Luxus / Ethereum | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.madrid | Madrid | 53.58 | 53.58 |
.maison | Haus | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.management | Management | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.maori.nz | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.market | Marktplatz / Verkauf | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.marketing | Marketing | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.markets | Marktplatz / Verkauf | 27.22 | 27.22 |
.mba | Master of Business Administration). | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.media | Medien | 60.14 | 60.14 |
.melbourne | Melbourne | 60.14 | 60.14 |
.memorial | Denkmale | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.men | Männer | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.menu | Restaurants | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.miami | Miami | 27.22 | 27.22 |
.mobi | mobiles Internet | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.moda | Mode | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.moe | moe | 27.22 | 27.22 |
.moi | Moi | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.mom | Mütter | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.money | Geld / Geschäfte | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.monster | Monster | 27.22 | 27.22 |
.mortgage | Hypotheken | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.motorcycles | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.movie | Filme | 355.37 | 355.37 |
.nagoya | Nagoya | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.name | Name | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.net.za | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.network | Netzwerke | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.news | Nachrichten | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.ngo | Organisationen | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.ninja | Ninja | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.nrw | Nordrhein-Westfalen | 60.14 | 60.14 |
.nyc | New York | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.okinawa | Okinawa | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.on.ca | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.one | Individuen | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.ong | 38.27 | 38.27 | |
.onl | Online | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.online | Online | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.org.mx | 49.21 | 49.21 | |
.org.za | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.organic | Bio / Ãkologie / Organisch | 92.94 | 92.94 |
.osaka | Osaka | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.page | Webseite | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.paris | Paris | 60.14 | 60.14 |
.partners | Partner | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.parts | Ersatzteile | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.party | Party / Feste | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.pet | Haustiere / Tiere | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.photo | Fotos | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.photography | Fotografie | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.photos | Fotos | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.pics | Fotos / Pics | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.pictures | Bilder , Fotos | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.pink | Pink | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.pizza | Pizza | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.place | Platz Ort | 21.76 | 21.76 |
.plc.uk | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.plumbing | Plumbing / Sanitaer | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.plus | Angebote | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.poker | Poker / Glücksspiel | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.porn | Sex / Porno | 125.74 | 125.74 |
.press | Presse News Zeitung | 92.94 | 92.94 |
.pro | Professionals | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.productions | Produktionen | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.promo | Angebote / Promotion /Rabatt | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.properties | Eigentuemer | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.property | Besitz / Eigentum | 169.49 | 169.49 |
.pub | Pubs und Publikationen | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.qc.ca | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.qpon | Coupons | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.quest | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.racing | Rennen / Sport | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.realestate | Immobilien / Grundeigentum | 125.74 | 125.74 |
.recipes | Rezepte | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.red | Rot | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.rehab | Rehabilitation | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.reise | Reisen | 125.74 | 125.74 |
.reisen | Reisen | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.rent | Vermieter / Verleiher | 97.31 | 97.31 |
.rentals | Vermietungen | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.repair | Werkstätten Reparatur | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.report | Berichte | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.republican | Republikaner Konservative | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.rest | Restaurants | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.restaurant | Restaurant / Gastronomie | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.review | Bewertungen | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.reviews | Bewertungen | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.rip | Kondolenz / Erinnerung | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.rocks | Rocks, markante Inhalte | 27.34 | 27.34 |
.rodeo | Rodeo Cowboy Farmer Bauern | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.rsvp | 21.76 | 21.76 | |
.rugby | 82.01 | 82.01 | |
.ruhr | Ruhrgebiet | 60.14 | 60.14 |
.run | Laufen / Rennen / Jogging | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.ryukyu | Ryukyu-Inseln | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.sale | Sale / Sonderangebot / Rabatt | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.salon | Salons | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.sarl | Société à responsabilité limitée | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.sbs | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.school | Schulen | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.school.nz | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.schule | Schulen | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.science | Forschung / Wissenschaft | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.scot | Schottland Scottish | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.select | Selecttion / Premium | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.services | Dienstleistungen | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.sex | Sex / Porno | 125.74 | 125.74 |
.sexy | Sexy / Attraktive Inhalte | 4094.90 | 4094.90 |
.shiksha | Shiksha | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.shoes | Schuhe | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.shop | Shop / Einkaufen | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.shopping | Shop / Einkaufen | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.show | Shows | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.singles | Singles / Individualisten | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.site | Website | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.ski | Skifahren / Wintersport | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.skin | Haut | 27.22 | 27.22 |
.soccer | Fussball | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.social | Soziales | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.software | Programme / Software | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.solar | Sonnen- / Solarenergie | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.solutions | gute Loesungen | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.soy | soy | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.spa | 42.65 | 42.65 | |
.space | Raum / Weltall | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.srl | Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.store | Onlineshop | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.stream | Video Streaming Cam | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.studio | Studio / Atelier | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.study | Studien / Bildung | 60.14 | 60.14 |
.style | Mode / Design / Style | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.sucks | Beschwerdekultur | 337.87 | 337.87 |
.supplies | Lieferanten | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.supply | Lieferdienste | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.support | Hilfe / Support / Kundendienst | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.surf | Surfsport | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.surgery | Chirurgie | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.swiss | Schweiz | 130.11 | 130.11 |
.sydney | Sydney | 60.14 | 60.14 |
.systems | Systeme | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.taipei | Taipei | 27.34 | 27.34 |
.tattoo | Tattoo / Taetowierungen | 53.58 | 53.58 |
.tax | Steuern / Tax | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.taxi | Taxi / Fahrdienst | 75.45 | 75.45 |
.team | Team | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.tech | Technik / Technologie | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.technology | Technik / Technologie | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.tel | Telefon / Kommunikation | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.tennis | Tennis | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.theater | Theater / Veranstaltung | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.tienda | Geschaefte | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.tips | Tipps und Tricks | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.tires | Reifen / Pneu | 136.67 | 136.67 |
.tirol | Tirol | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.today | Aktuelles | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.tokyo | Tokyo | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.tools | Werkzeuge | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.top | Spitzen-Leistung | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.tours | Touren / Reisen | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.town | Stadt | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.toys | Spielsachen | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.trade | Handel | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.trading | Handel | 27.34 | 27.34 |
.training | Training / Sport / Koerper und Geist | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.travel | Travel / Reisen | 158.55 | 158.55 |
.trust | 3401.13 | 3401.13 | |
.tube | Videoportal Video Streaming | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.tv | Television / Tuvalu | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.university | Universitäten | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.uno | UNO / Individualisten | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.vacations | Ferien / Urlaub | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.vegas | Vegas Casinos Bars | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.ventures | Ventures / Investoren | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.versicherung | Versicherung | 191.35 | 191.35 |
.vet | Tierärzte/ Veteranen | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.viajes | Reisen | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.video | Video / Film | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.villas | Villen | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.vin | Wein | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.vip | VIP / Star | 27.22 | 27.22 |
.vision | Visuelles | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.vlaanderen | Flandern | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.vodka | Wodka Alcohol Russland | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.vote | Meinung , Abstimmung | 108.25 | 108.25 |
.voto | Wahlen / Abstimmung | 103.87 | 103.87 |
.voyage | Reisen | 71.07 | 71.07 |
.wales | Wales | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.wang | wang | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.watch | Uhren | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.web.za | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.webcam | Webcams | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.website | Website Homepage | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.wedding | 49.21 | 49.21 | |
.wien | Wien | 60.14 | 60.14 |
.wiki | Informationen , wiki | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.win | Wettkampf / Gewinnspiel | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.wine | Weine | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.work | Business / Arbeit / Werke | 13.12 | 13.12 |
.works | Werke / Arbeiten | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.world | Welte / globale Angebote | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.wtf | Meinungen | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.xn--5tzm5g | 20.66 | 20.66 | |
.xn--80asehdb | 42.65 | 42.65 | |
.xn--80aswg | 42.65 | 42.65 | |
.xn--9dbq2a | 38.27 | 38.27 | |
.xn--czrs0t | 64.51 | 64.51 | |
.xn--e1a4c | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.xn--fjq720a | 125.74 | 125.74 | |
.xn--mgbab2bd | 31.71 | 31.71 | |
.xn--qxa6a | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.xn--unup4y | 125.74 | 125.74 | |
.xn--vhquv | 125.74 | 125.74 | |
.xn--y9a3aq | 42.65 | 42.65 | |
.xxx | Erotik | 125.74 | 125.74 |
.xyz | freie Auswahl / Allerlei | 27.22 | 27.22 |
.yachts | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.yoga | Yoga | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.yokohama | Yokohama | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.zone | Zone, Bereiche | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.zuerich | 125.74 | 125.74 | |
Länder Domains | |||
.ac | Ascension Island | 114.81 | 114.81 |
.ae | Vereinigte Arabische Emirate | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.af | Afghanistan | 147.61 | 114.81 |
.ag | Antigua & Barbuda | 114.81 | 114.81 |
.ai | Anguilla | 125.74 | 125.74 |
.am | Armenia | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.as | American Samoa | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.at | Austria | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.au | 18.47 | 18.47 | |
.be | Belgium | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.biz.pl | Poland | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.biz.pr | Puerto Rico | 158.55 | 92.94 |
.bz | Belize | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.ca | Canada | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.cc | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.ch | Schweiz | 14.16 | 14.16 |
.cl | Chile | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.club.tw | Taiwan | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.cm | Cameroon | 97.31 | 97.31 |
.cn | China | 27.34 | 20.66 |
.co | Colombia | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.co.gy | Guyana | 60.14 | 42.65 |
.co.uk | United Kingdom | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.co.ve | Venezuela | 86.38 | 60.14 |
.co.za | Suedafrika | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.com.ai | Anguilla | 125.74 | 125.74 |
.com.br | Brasilien | 27.34 | 27.34 |
.com.co | Colombia | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.com.ec | Ecuador | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.com.gy | Guyana | 60.14 | 42.65 |
.com.pe | Peru | 97.31 | 53.58 |
.com.pl | Poland | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.com.pr | Puerto Rico | 158.55 | 92.94 |
.com.pt | Portugal | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.com.ro | Romania | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.com.ru | Russian Federation | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.com.sb | Salomonen | 82.01 | 64.51 |
.com.sc | Seychelles | 136.67 | 136.67 |
.com.se | Sweden | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.com.sg | Singapore | 53.58 | 53.58 |
.com.so | Somalia | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.com.tc | Turks and Caicos | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.com.tw | Taiwan | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.com.vc | Saint Vincent & Grenadines | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.com.ve | Venezuela | 86.38 | 60.14 |
.cx | Christmas Island | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.cz | Czech Republic | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.de | Deutschland | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.dk | Denmark | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.ebiz.tw | Taiwan | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.ec | Ecuador | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.es | Spain | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.eu | Europa | 21.76 | 21.76 |
.fi | Finnland | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.fm | Micronesia | 97.31 | 97.31 |
.fr | France | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.game.tw | Taiwan | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.gd | Grenada | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.gg | Guernsey | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.gl | Greenland | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.gr | Greece | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.gs | South Georgia & Sandwich Islands | 53.58 | 38.27 |
.gy | Guyana | 60.14 | 42.65 |
.hk | Hong Kong | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.hn | Honduras | 92.94 | 92.94 |
.ht | Haiti | 158.55 | 114.81 |
.id | Indonesien | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.idv.tw | Taiwan | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.ie | Irland | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.im | Isle of Man | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.in | India | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.info.ec | Ecuador | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.info.pl | Poland | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.info.pr | Puerto Rico | 158.55 | 92.94 |
.info.ve | Venezuela | 86.38 | 60.14 |
.io | Indian Ocean Territory | 103.87 | 103.87 |
.is | Island | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.it | Italy | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.je | Jersey | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.jp | Japan | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.la | Laos Republic | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.lc | St. Lucia | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.li | Liechtenstein | 14.16 | 14.16 |
.lt | Lithuania | 19.57 | 19.57 |
.lu | Luxembourg | 42.65 | 38.27 |
.lv | Latvia | 60.14 | 60.14 |
.md | Moldova | 414.41 | 414.41 |
.me | Montenegro | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.med.ec | Ecuador | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.mg | Madagskar | 206.66 | 191.35 |
.mn | Mongolia | 60.14 | 60.14 |
.ms | Montserrat | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.mu | Mauritius | 97.31 | 97.31 |
.mx | Mexico | 64.51 | 64.51 |
.my | Malaysia | 125.74 | 125.74 |
.name.pr | Puerto Rico | 158.55 | 92.94 |
.net.ai | Anguilla | 103.87 | 103.87 |
.net.co | Colombia | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.net.ec | Ecuador | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.net.gy | Guyana | 60.14 | 42.65 |
.net.pe | Peru | 97.31 | 53.58 |
.net.pl | Poland | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.net.pr | Puerto Rico | 158.55 | 92.94 |
.net.ru | Russian Federation | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.net.sb | Salomonen | 82.01 | 64.51 |
.net.sc | Seychelles | 136.67 | 136.67 |
.net.so | Somalia | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.net.tc | Turks and Caicos | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.net.vc | Saint Vincent & Grenadines | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.net.ve | Venezuela | 86.38 | 60.14 |
.nl | Netherlands | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.no | Norway | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.nom.co | Colombia | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.nom.pe | Peru | 97.31 | 53.58 |
.nom.ro | Romania | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.nu | Niue | 38.27 | 31.71 |
.nz | Neuseeland | 27.22 | 27.22 |
.off.ai | Anguilla | 125.74 | 125.74 |
.org.ai | Anguilla | 125.74 | 125.74 |
.org.pe | Peru | 97.31 | 53.58 |
.org.pl | Poland | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.org.pr | Puerto Rico | 158.55 | 92.94 |
.org.ro | Romania | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.org.ru | Russian Federation | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.org.sb | Salomonen | 82.01 | 64.51 |
.org.sc | Seychelles | 136.67 | 136.67 |
.org.so | Somalia | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.org.tc | Turks and Caicos | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.org.uk | United Kindom | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.org.vc | Saint Vincent & Grenadines | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.org.ve | Venezuela | 86.38 | 60.14 |
.pe | Peru | 97.31 | 53.58 |
.ph | Philippines | 92.94 | 92.94 |
.pl | Poland | 27.22 | 27.22 |
.pm | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.pp.ru | Russian Federation | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.pro.ec | Ecuador | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.pro.pr | Puerto Rico | 158.55 | 92.94 |
.pro.tc | Turks and Caicos | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.pt | Portugal | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.pw | Palau | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.qa | Katar | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.re | Réunion | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.ro | Romania | 18.47 | 18.47 |
.ru | Russian Federation | 20.66 | 20.66 |
.sb | Salomonen | 82.01 | 64.51 |
.sc | Seychelles | 136.67 | 136.67 |
.se | Sweden | 38.27 | 31.71 |
.sg | Singapore | 53.58 | 53.58 |
.sh | Saint Helena | 53.58 | 53.58 |
.so | Somalia | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.sx | Sint Maarten | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.tc | Turks and Caicos | 114.81 | 114.81 |
.tf | French Southern Territories | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.tk | Tokelau | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.tl | Timor-Leste | 114.81 | 82.01 |
.tm | Turkmenistan | 716.20 | 716.20 |
.tm.se | Sweden | 38.27 | 31.71 |
.to | Tonga | 82.01 | 82.01 |
.tw | Taiwan | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.uk | United Kingdom | 19.57 | 19.57 |
.us | United States | 16.29 | 16.29 |
.vc | Saint Vincent & Grenadines | 42.65 | 42.65 |
.vg | Virgin Islands (British) | 49.21 | 49.21 |
.web.ve | Venezuela | 86.38 | 60.14 |
.wf | Wallis and Futuna | 31.71 | 31.71 |
.ws | WebSite / Samoa | 38.27 | 38.27 |
.yt | Mayotte | 31.71 | 31.71 |
Sub TLD's | |||
.aaa.pro | 213.22 | 213.22 | |
.ac.mu | 97.31 | 97.31 | |
.aca.pro | 213.22 | 213.22 | |
.acct.pro | 213.22 | 213.22 | |
.ae.org | 31.71 | 31.71 | |
.avocat.pro | 213.22 | 213.22 | |
.bar.pro | 213.22 | 213.22 | |
.biz.ki | 191.35 | 169.49 | |
.br.com | 53.58 | 53.58 | |
.cn.com | 49.21 | 49.21 | |
.co.ag | 82.01 | 82.01 | |
.co.am | 42.65 | 42.65 | |
.co.at | 20.66 | 20.66 | |
.co.bz | 31.71 | 31.71 | |
.co.cm | 19.57 | 19.57 | |
.co.com | 38.27 | 38.27 | |
.co.gg | 82.01 | 82.01 | |
.co.gl | 64.51 | 64.51 | |
.co.im | 20.66 | 20.66 | |
.co.in | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.co.je | 82.01 | 82.01 | |
.co.lc | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.co.mg | 206.66 | 191.35 | |
.co.ms | 75.45 | 75.45 | |
.co.mu | 97.31 | 97.31 | |
.co.nl | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.co.nz | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.com.af | 60.14 | 42.65 | |
.com.ag | 82.01 | 82.01 | |
.com.am | 42.65 | 42.65 | |
.com.ar | 97.31 | 97.31 | |
.com.au | 18.47 | 18.47 | |
.com.bz | 31.71 | 31.71 | |
.com.cm | 19.57 | 19.57 | |
.com.cn | 27.34 | 20.66 | |
.com.de | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.com.es | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.com.gl | 64.51 | 64.51 | |
.com.gr | 38.27 | 38.27 | |
.com.hk | 31.71 | 31.71 | |
.com.hn | 92.94 | 92.94 | |
.com.ht | 42.65 | 38.27 | |
.com.im | 20.66 | 20.66 | |
.com.ki | 191.35 | 169.49 | |
.com.lc | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.com.lv | 60.14 | 60.14 | |
.com.mg | 206.66 | 191.35 | |
.com.ms | 75.45 | 75.45 | |
.com.mu | 97.31 | 97.31 | |
.com.mx | 49.21 | 49.21 | |
.com.my | 108.25 | 103.87 | |
.com.ph | 92.94 | 92.94 | |
.cpa.pro | 213.22 | 213.22 | |
.de.com | 27.34 | 27.34 | |
.eng.pro | 213.22 | 213.22 | |
.eu.com | 27.34 | 27.34 | |
.firm.in | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.gen.in | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.gr.com | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.id.au | 18.47 | 18.47 | |
.in.net | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.ind.in | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.info.ht | 42.65 | 38.27 | |
.info.ki | 191.35 | 169.49 | |
.jp.net | 18.47 | 18.47 | |
.jpn.com | 49.21 | 49.21 | |
.jur.pro | 213.22 | 213.22 | |
.kiwi.nz | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.law.pro | 213.22 | 213.22 | |
.ltd.uk | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.me.uk | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.med.pro | 213.22 | 213.22 | |
.mex.com | 20.66 | 20.66 | |
.name.email | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.net.af | 60.14 | 42.65 | |
.net.ag | 82.01 | 82.01 | |
.net.am | 42.65 | 42.65 | |
.net.au | 18.47 | 18.47 | |
.net.bz | 31.71 | 31.71 | |
.net.cm | 19.57 | 19.57 | |
.net.cn | 27.34 | 20.66 | |
.net.gg | 82.01 | 82.01 | |
.net.gl | 64.51 | 64.51 | |
.net.hn | 92.94 | 92.94 | |
.net.ht | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.net.im | 20.66 | 20.66 | |
.net.in | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.net.je | 82.01 | 82.01 | |
.net.ki | 191.35 | 169.49 | |
.net.lc | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.net.lv | 60.14 | 60.14 | |
.net.mg | 206.66 | 191.35 | |
.net.mu | 97.31 | 97.31 | |
.net.my | 103.87 | 103.87 | |
.net.nz | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.net.ph | 92.94 | 92.94 | |
.nom.ag | 82.01 | 82.01 | |
.nom.es | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.or.at | 20.66 | 20.66 | |
.org.af | 60.14 | 42.65 | |
.org.ag | 82.01 | 82.01 | |
.org.am | 42.65 | 42.65 | |
.org.au | 18.47 | 18.47 | |
.org.bz | 31.71 | 31.71 | |
.org.cn | 27.34 | 20.66 | |
.org.es | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.org.gg | 82.01 | 82.01 | |
.org.gl | 64.51 | 64.51 | |
.org.hn | 92.94 | 92.94 | |
.org.ht | 38.27 | 31.71 | |
.org.im | 20.66 | 20.66 | |
.org.in | 16.29 | 16.29 | |
.org.je | 82.01 | 82.01 | |
.org.ki | 191.35 | 169.49 | |
.org.lc | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.org.lv | 60.14 | 60.14 | |
.org.mg | 206.66 | 191.35 | |
.org.ms | 75.45 | 75.45 | |
.org.mu | 97.31 | 97.31 | |
.org.my | 103.87 | 103.87 | |
.org.nz | 27.22 | 27.22 | |
.org.ph | 92.94 | 92.94 | |
.radio.am | 20.66 | 20.66 | |
.radio.fm | 20.66 | 20.66 | |
.recht.pro | 213.22 | 213.22 | |
.ru.com | 217.59 | 217.59 | |
.sa.com | 475.65 | 475.65 | |
.se.net | 49.21 | 49.21 | |
.uk.com | 42.65 | 42.65 | |
.uk.net | 42.65 | 42.65 | |
.us.com | 31.71 | 31.71 | |
.us.org | 31.71 | 31.71 | |
.za.com | 475.65 | 475.65 | |
*) Für mit Stern markierte Domainendungen sind derzeit nur Vorregistrierungen möglich (Pre-Registration). Sobald die TLD verfügbar ist, wird der Antrag automatisch ohne Verzögerung an die Registry übermittelt. | |||
Wiederherstellung/Restore/Redemption von gTLDs .aero, .biz, .cat, .com, .coop, .info, .jobs, .mobi, .museum, .name, .net, .org, .pro, .travel sowie allen andern gTLDs mit Ausnahme von Premium Domains | 250.00 | ||