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Domain registration

As an ICANN-accredited registrar NetZone offers a huge range of domain names at extremely competitive rates.

With NetZone you get the actual registration and our Domain-Plus package for free:

Website Builder lightstrong
Design your own small website with our website builder

E-mail Redirect
An e-mail address as aforwarding to an existing e-mail address

Web Redirect
Forwarding to another website (The redirect does not support HTTPS)

DNS editor incl. DNSSEC
Full control of DNS including DNSSEC for the protection of zone data.

Existing customers can also register and transfer domains directly using the NetConfig control panel.

As NetZone partners bulk purchasers such as providers, web agencies, telecom companies, etc. can take advantage of additional special rates. We also offer a white label product for resellers. Contact us for a quotation.

In addition to this, NetZone is also Switzerland’s first registrar to offer full DNSSEC support!



Read about the special terms and conditions for .swiss domains

The following domains can be registered directly at NetZone (and more are being added every day)

TLDCountryRegistration incl 1.YearFollowing Years
Price / Year
Price in USD excl. VAT
Popular Domains
Generic Domains
.academyAkademien / Schulen67.5967.59
.adultFür Erwachsene165.33165.33
.aeroAero / Luftfahrt98.7898.78
.appApps / Aoolikationen30.1630.16
.auctionAuktion / Versteigerung57.1957.19
.babyKind / Baby98.7898.78
.bandBand / Musikgruppe / Musik46.7946.79
.barBars / Kneipen98.7898.78
.bibleBible / Religion192.36192.36
.bikeBike / Fahrrad / Velo57.1957.19
.bingoBingo / Glücksspiel88.3888.38
.blackSchwarz / Black92.5492.54
.blackfridayAktionen / Promotion192.36192.36
.blueBlue / Blau40.5540.55
.boatsSchiffe / Boote26.0026.00
.businessFirmen / Business61.3561.35
.cafeKaffee / Cafe67.5967.59
.camCam / Webcam / Kamera46.7946.79
.cameraKamera / Foto / Video82.1482.14
.careBetreuung Pflege67.5967.59
.careerBeruf / Karriere140.37140.37
.careersBeruf / Karriere102.94102.94
.casaHaus / Immobilien / Tourismus17.5717.57
.cashBargeld Kredite57.1957.19
.casinoKasino / Geldspiel227.71227.71
.catKatze / Katalonien46.7946.79
.centerCenter / Zentrum46.7946.79
.ceoCEO / Leader150.77150.77
.charitygemeinnützige Projekte57.1957.19
.chatChatrooms / Foren57.1957.19
.cheapGuenstige Angebote57.1957.19
.churchKirche Glaubensgemeinschaft67.5967.59
.clothingClothing / Bekleidung57.1957.19
.cloudCloud / 30.1630.16
.clubClub / Verein30.1630.16
.coachCoaches / Trainer109.17109.17
.collegeCollege / Schule98.7898.78
.companyFirma / Unternehmen61.3561.35
.computerComputer / EDV57.1957.19
.contractorsSubunternehmer / Freelancer50.9550.95
.cookingKochen Rezepte46.7946.79
.coolCool / Trending / kalt57.1957.19
.couponsCoupons / Gutscheine / Rabatt77.9877.98
.coursesKurse / Bildung57.1957.19
.creditKredite Finanzprodukt150.77150.77
.dealsDeals Sonderangebote57.1957.19
.degreeBildung / Beruf / Universität67.5967.59
.dentalZahnmedizin, Zahnarzt102.94102.94
.dentistZahnmedizin, Zahnarzt98.7898.78
.designDesign / Kunst / Grafik77.9877.98
.devEntwicklung / Technik30.1630.16
.diamondsDiamanten / Luxusgueter77.9877.98
.dietErnährung / Diät192.36192.36
.digitalDigital Digitalzeitalter67.5967.59
.directDirect Sofort57.1957.19
.doctorArzt / Doktor / Medizin154.93154.93
.domainsDomains / Webadressen67.5967.59
.durbanStadt Durban25.8925.89
.earthErde / Umwelt / Forschung / Wissenschaft36.4036.40
.ecoUmwelt / Ökologie / Klimaschutz92.5492.54
.engineerIngenieure / Fachleute57.1957.19
.engineeringIngenieure / Fachleute92.5492.54
.exchangeTausch Handel57.1957.19
.failPleiten Pech und Pannen57.1957.19
.faithGlaube / Religion46.7946.79
.fanFankultur / Leidenschaft82.1482.14
.fansFankultur / Leidenschaft18.6118.61
.farmBauernhoefe, Farm57.1957.19
.fashionMode / Kleidung46.7946.79
.filmFilm / Movie119.57119.57
.fishingFischer Angler46.7946.79
.fitFitness / Wellness / Sport46.7946.79
.fitnessFitness / Wellness / Sport61.3561.35
.fundFonds Anlagen102.94102.94
.fyifor your information36.4036.40
.gamesGame / Spiele50.9550.95
.gardenGarten / Natur46.7946.79
.giftGift / Geschenk36.4036.40
.giveswohltätige Zwecke46.7946.79
.globalglobal weltweit129.97129.97
.gmbhGmbH / Firmen61.3561.35
.goldGoldh / Geld / Juweliere150.77150.77
.gratisgratis free kostenlos36.4036.40
.greenGrün, Ökologie / Nachhaltigkeit113.33113.33
.guideAnleitung Führer Manual61.3561.35
.guruGuru / Wissen / Weisheit67.5967.59
.healthcareGesundheit / Vorsorge123.73123.73
.holdingsHoldings / Unternehmensgruppen92.5492.54
.holidayUrlaub / Ferien92.5492.54
.homesArchitektur / Immobilien / Inneneinrichtung26.0026.00
.horsePferd Reiter Pferdefreunde46.7946.79
.hospitalSpital / Gesundheit92.5492.54
.hostHost Hosting Computer IT129.97129.97
.hostingHost Hosting Computer IT545.88545.88
.houseHaus und Hof, Immobilien67.5967.59
.icuI see you30.1630.16
.internationalinternationale Organisationen50.9550.95
.jetztaktuelle Inhalte36.4036.40
.jewelrySchmuck / Juweliere92.5492.54
.jobsJobs / Beruf154.93154.93
.kaufenKäufer , Verkäufer46.7946.79
.kiwiKiwi, Neuseeland40.5540.55
.lawAnwalt / Gesetz129.97129.97
.legaljuristische Themen109.17109.17
.lgbtLGBT Community113.33113.33
.lifeLife Leben Zeitgeist Lifestyle57.1957.19
.liveLive / Event 50.9550.95
.llcLimited Liability Company61.3561.35
.loanKredit / Darlehen46.7946.79
.loansKredit / Darlehen161.17161.17
.loveLiebe / Leidenschaft46.7946.79
.ltdLimited / Kapitalgesellschaft46.7946.79
.ltdaSociedade Limitada57.1957.19
.luxeWebsite / Luxus / Ethereum30.1630.16
.marketMarktplatz / Verkauf67.5967.59
.marketsMarktplatz / Verkauf88.3888.38
.mbaMaster of Business Administration).57.1957.19
.mobimobiles Internet40.5540.55
.moneyGeld / Geschäfte57.1957.19
.nycNew York46.7946.79
.organicBio / Ökologie / Organisch109.17109.17
.partyParty / Feste46.7946.79
.petHaustiere / Tiere40.5540.55
.picsFotos / Pics46.7946.79
.picturesBilder , Fotos25.8925.89
.placePlatz Ort67.5967.59
.plumbingPlumbing / Sanitaer102.94102.94
.pokerPoker / Glücksspiel92.5492.54
.pornSex / Porno165.33165.33
.pressPresse News Zeitung98.7898.78
.promoAngebote / Promotion /Rabatt40.5540.55
.propertyBesitz / Eigentum192.36192.36
.pubPubs und Publikationen61.3561.35
.racingRennen / Sport46.7946.79
.realestateImmobilien / Grundeigentum129.97129.97
.rentVermieter / Verleiher98.7898.78
.repairWerkstätten Reparatur57.1957.19
.republicanRepublikaner Konservative57.1957.19
.restaurantRestaurant / Gastronomie92.5492.54
.rioRio de Janeiro40.5540.55
.ripKondolenz / Erinnerung36.4036.40
.rocksRocks, markante Inhalte36.4036.40
.rodeoRodeo Cowboy Farmer Bauern18.6118.61
.runLaufen / Rennen / Jogging40.5540.55
.saleSale / Sonderangebot / Rabatt57.1957.19
.sarlSociété à responsabilité limitée46.7946.79
.scienceForschung / Wissenschaft46.7946.79
.scotSchottland Scottish67.5967.59
.selectSelecttion / Premium46.7946.79
.sexSex / Porno165.33165.33
.shopShop / Einkaufen46.7946.79
.shoppingShop / Einkaufen50.9550.95
.singlesSingles / Individualisten46.7946.79
.skiSkifahren / Wintersport98.7898.78
.softwareProgramme / Software57.1957.19
.solarSonnen- / Solarenergie88.3888.38
.solutionsgute Loesungen50.9550.95
.spaceRaum / Weltall40.5540.55
.srlSociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada57.1957.19
.streamVideo Streaming Cam40.5540.55
.studioStudio / Atelier67.5967.59
.studyStudien / Bildung57.1957.19
.styleMode / Design / Style57.1957.19
.supportHilfe / Support / Kundendienst46.7946.79
.tattooTattoo / Taetowierungen67.5967.59
.taxSteuern / Tax98.7898.78
.taxiTaxi / Fahrdienst92.5492.54
.techTechnik / Technologie71.7471.74
.technologyTechnik / Technologie46.7946.79
.telTelefon / Kommunikation20.6920.69
.theaterTheater / Veranstaltung88.3888.38
.tipsTipps und Tricks46.7946.79
.tiresReifen / Pneu140.37140.37
.toursTouren / Reisen92.5492.54
.trainingTraining / Sport / Koerper und Geist61.3561.35
.travelTravel / Reisen171.57171.57
.tubeVideoportal Video Streaming46.7946.79
.unoUNO / Individualisten36.4036.40
.vacationsFerien / Urlaub57.1957.19
.vegasVegas Casinos Bars77.9877.98
.venturesVentures / Investoren82.1482.14
.vetTierärzte/ Veteranen61.3561.35
.videoVideo / Film57.1957.19
.vipVIP / Star25.8925.89
.vodkaWodka Alcohol Russland46.7946.79
.voteMeinung , Abstimmung129.97129.97
.votoWahlen / Abstimmung109.17109.17
.websiteWebsite Homepage46.7946.79
.wikiInformationen , wiki40.5540.55
.winWettkampf / Gewinnspiel46.7946.79
.workBusiness / Arbeit / Werke12.4812.48
.worksWerke / Arbeiten57.1957.19
.worldWelte / globale Angebote67.5967.59
.xn--ses554gInternetadresse (chin.)306.74306.74
.xn--vuq861bInformation (chin.)36.4036.40
.xyzfreie Auswahl / Allerlei26.0026.00
.zoneZone, Bereiche57.1957.19
Country Domains
.acAscension Island109.17109.17
.aeVereinigte Arabische Emirate46.7946.79
.agAntigua & Barbuda109.17109.17
.asAmerican Samoa98.7898.78
.axAland Inseln109.1746.79
.baBosnien Herzegowina140.37129.97
.biz.prPuerto Rico238.11161.17
.ccCocos (Keeling) Islands17.5717.57
.co.ukUnited Kingdom15.4915.49
.com.prPuerto Rico275.54275.54
.com.vcSaint Vincent & Grenadines57.1957.19
.crCosta Rica244.35244.35
.cxChristmas Island30.1630.16
.czCzech Republic17.5717.57
.doDominikanische Republik140.37140.37
.gsSouth Georgia & Sandwich Islands57.1936.40
.hkHong Kong30.1630.16
.hmHeard und McDonaldinseln150.7771.74
.imIsle of Man20.6920.69
.info.prPuerto Rico238.11161.17
.ioIndian Ocean Territory98.7898.78
.laLaos Republic46.7946.79
.lcSt. Lucia92.5492.54
.lkSri Lanka119.5750.95
.mpNördliche Marianen77.9846.79
.name.prPuerto Rico238.11161.17
.net.prPuerto Rico238.11161.17
.net.vcSaint Vincent & Grenadines57.1957.19
.org.prPuerto Rico238.11161.17
.org.ukUnited Kindom15.4915.49
.org.vcSaint Vincent & Grenadines57.1957.19
.pmSaint Pierre and Miquelon26.0026.00
.pro.prPuerto Rico238.11161.17
.shSaint Helena77.9850.95
.slSierra Leone171.5798.78
.smSan Marino275.54206.92
.svEl Salvador206.92171.57
.sxSint Maarten46.7946.79
.tcTurks and Caicos265.14129.97
.tfFrench Southern Territories17.5717.57
.ttTrinidad und Tobago498.06394.07
.tvTelevision / Tuvalu40.5540.55
.ukUnited Kingdom15.4915.49
.usUnited States17.5717.57
.vcSaint Vincent & Grenadines40.5540.55
.vgVirgin Islands (British)46.7946.79
.wfWallis and Futuna17.5717.57
.wsWebSite / Samoa36.4036.40
Sub TLD's
.recife.brRecife Brasilien20.6920.69
.rio.brRio Brasilien20.6920.69

*) TLDs marked with a * are for pre-registration only. As soon as the domain is available for sale your order will be submitted.

Cost to restore / redeem for gTLDs .aero, .biz, .cat, .com, .coop, .info, .jobs, .mobi, .museum, .name, .net, .org, .pro, .travel and any other gTLDs (premium domains excluded)250.00

Price in USD excl. VAT